
Monday, August 29, 2011

The Day Before Back to School!

     I don't know about you, but the day before the first day of school is always a hectic and crazy one for me. I put together a small list of things I like to do the on that day so I'm extra prepared (and distracted so I'm not getting even more worried!). Here is my list, feel free to use it!

September 6th, 2011:

7:00 AM:  Wake up! It's always a great idea to wake up early so your a bit used to it by the time school rolls around.

7:15 AM:  Go downstairs, watch TV, do whatever you need to do to wakeup before starting your day.

7:30 AM:  Breakfast time! ALWAYS eat breakfast even if it's something little. If I'm really not hungry, I'll have a glass of chocolate milk or something light so I have some food in me.

8:00 AM:  Go on the computer. I check my Twitter, ( @glittergal64 is my Twitter name) YouTube, personal website, ( ) this site, and some other random ones.

9:00 AM:  Get ready for the day. This includes showering, makeup, hair, and getting dressed.

11:00 AM:  Clean out dresser and go through those clothes. I look for things I don't wear, that don't fit, I don't like, and things I don't see are good options for school- and put them in a bag to be donated.

11:30 AM:  Clean out closet. Again, I look for things I don't wear, that don't fit, I don't like, and things I don't see are good options for school- and put them in a bag to be donated.

12:00 PM:  Complete cleaning of my room. I look for things that I don't or use and give them to my sisters. I throw things out (paper, tissues, etc.). I also make my bed, and do anything else I need to do to make my room school ready.

1:30 PM:  Lunchtime! I'll make a healthy lunch and enjoy it with my family.

2:00 PM:  I'll to Walgreens or another drugstore to get a few things I need. (An extra notebook, bobby pins, hair clips, a few hair products, makeup remover, and possibly a new makeup product.)

2:30 PM:  Take a walk/ jog with a friend or my mom.

3:00 PM:  Continue with exercise- crunches, push-ups, and some Wii Fit to get my body in tip-top shape for school.

3:45 PM:  A break and healthy snack.

4:15 PM:  TV and some family time.

5:30 PM:  Dinner.

6:15 PM:  Shower! I triple wash my hair for extra clean-ness and shine, double wash my face, and clean the rest of my body.

6:45 PM:  Shaving time!

7:00 PM:  Now it's time to do my hair. First, I brush my hair out with a wide toothed comb. Then, I put in a hair product to make my hair shiny and silky or I'll put in a leave in conditioner. After that, I put in a heat protectant and blow dry my hair. (For blow drying, I use a guide from Seventeen Magazine.)

7:30 PM:  This is kind of my make-sure-everything-is-perfect time. I get on my pajamas, and make sure everything I need for my outfit the next day is perfect, along with my school backpack. I also pick out the makeup I'm wearing.

8:00 PM:  I read my Bible, and my devotional book,

8:30 PM:  I read a random book. Maybe "Sweet Little Lies" by Lauren Conrad?

9:00 PM:  One last computer time before going to bed. You can expect a post from me at that time!

9:30 PM:  Get settled in bed. And drink a big glass of water.

9:40 PM:  Get ready for Rachel Zoe Project coming on at 10 o'clock!

10:00 PM:  Rachel Zoe Project, then bed!

     This is a pretty long day, but completely nessasary. These are NOT exact times or events, but are what I would like to do on that day. So thanks for reading!

God Bless,


  1. AND OMG! WE SHOULD TOTALLY GO FOR A JOG TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAhaah. now that i think of it.... we should like go for a jog once a week together!! wouldn't that be awesome!??!?! hahaha. anyayywwyayy! lololol pleasseee reply!


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