
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of School Schedule!

Hey guys! So as you saw on Monday, Hannah did a Day-Before-School Schedule type thing, so I decided to do a First Day of School Schedule! (Hannah if you want to do this one too you can!) Anyway, moving on to the actual post.

For the first day, I always shower the night before just so I have some extra time. Sometimes I shower in the morning, but not always! By the way... tell me when you shower, like - in the morning or the night before. I want to know! Because I'm not really sure what I should do... :P

6:00 A.M. - I like to get up pretty early on the first day just because I want to make sure I'm all ready. Normally I'd get up at about 6:30 A.M. I'd also stretch a little bit to wake myself up.

6:05 A.M. - Go to the bathroom. Hey, we all have to do it!

6:10 A.M. - Breakfast! I eat a big breakfast on the first day so I'm energized and ready to go!

6:25 A.M. - Turn on the the music! While I'm getting ready, I LOVE to listen to music. Especially heavy electronic indie - it gets me pumped up and for some odd reason, confident about myself. I know, it's really weird, but true!

6:30 A.M. - Get dressed and do my hair! Obviously I have to do this. I usually get my first-day-outfit all picked out the day before, and for my hair, I do nothing fancy - just quickly straighten it!

7:00 A.M. - Little things. By this I mean cleaning my ears, brushing my teeth, washing face taking my allergy medicine, deodorant, and obviously... Fragrance time!

7:15 A.M. - Get my school bag/backpack and supplies prepared. I will probably do some organizing the day before as well, but at this time I will be setting it up so when I'm leaving I'll have it all ready.

7:25 A.M. - Last minute! Spray some perfume, brush your hair one last time, etc.!

7:30 A.M. - Time to wait for the bus! The you're off to your first day of school school.

7:30 A.M. - 3:15 P.M.(ish) - On the bus and obviously in school!

...And that's all. Thanks for reading! (:


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