
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Wishlist!

I know this blog post, "Christmas Wishlist," might sound greedy, but I would be lying if I told you there weren't a few things that I want this Christmas. So I'm not boring you, I'm just going to show you the top 5 things on my Christmas Wishlist!

5. A new flat iron. (Not this particular one, it was just random.) Doesn't have to be anything special.

4. VS PINK Body Spray - Pretty & Pure

3. Bath and Body Works (you didn't think I'd leave B&BW out of this did you?!) in Winter Candy Apple or Vanilla Bean Noel

2. Parks and Recreation DVD's

1. Sims 3 EP - Pets

...Yup! That's my Christmas Wishlist! Tell me yours in the comments below. (:



Hey guys. I know, I know. It's been like two and a half months. Honestly, for me, I've just been really busy, and haven't felt like blogging. Buuuuuuuuuuut! We're (by we I mean Hannah and I) are finally on winter break! So, expect lots of holiday-ish, Christmas-y posts! Let me know if you want a 'What I Got For Christmas' blog post, or anything like that. Anywhoozle. Look forward to a few posts throughout the week. Hopefully I'll have lots of posts scheduled to be posted throughout 2012 to make it up!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Book Review: Beach Blondes

     Hey everyone! Today is probably going to be one of my favorite posts like, ever, because I'm doing a book review on one of the best books I've ever read. It's called 'Beach Blondes' and it's by Katherine Applegate. Without further ado, here is my mini-review on the book:

     Summary:  The book starts out with Summer Smith basically loathing her life. She lives in snowy Minnesota and is almost a senior in high school. Between no boyfriend and no action in her town, she's ready to spice things up. Coincidentally, her Aunt Mallory calls and asks if she would like to join her and Summer's cousin in Crab Claw Key, Florida. Of course, she cannot deny the opportunity.

     Summer gets there and meets amazing and unforgettable people. Preferably three guys in which a fortune teller warns her about. One will seem to be the right guy, one will seem to represent mystery, and one will seem to represent danger. (Seth- the super sweet, friendly nice guy... only he has a girlfriend.   Diver- mysterious, a bit strange, but completely harmless.  And Adam- The Senator's son who's kind and attractive.. but his family has a dark side.)

     In the end, Summer falls for a guy- and has the most unforgettable and amazing summer of her life.

     Review:   I could NOT stop reading this book. Literally. I finished in two days and am reading it again. I love the characters, the setting, and romance. (Seth is SO sweet! I kinda wanna marry him.. Lol. If only... ;)) Also, this book has surprising turns, and some jaw-dropping scenes and events. A must read for teen girls, especially for summertime.

     PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read this book! I will be doing more reviews and post on this book, so look for those, and by the way.. this book has a sequel called 'Tan Lines' and I'm dying to read it, so when I do I'll give a review on that as well.

God Bless,


Saturday, September 17, 2011


Hey guys. If you didn't know already, school has started for Hannah and I. Due to that, we're probably not going to post as often as we used to. Posts will probably come on the weekends, for the obvious reasons. Anywhoozle, sorry for the lack of posts, just letting you know we're still posting.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Healthy Lifestyle Tips!

Hiya! Hayl here. Today I'm writing this blog post about tips on staying healthy, I guess. Before I start here are some disclaimers...
  • This is NOT a diet! 
  • This is not for losing weight, but maintaining it, and keeping your body healthy overall. 
  • This is mainly for people who don't do sports, yet if you do I suppose you can still take some of the tips I suggest here.
  • This is partially from personal experience and my not work for all body types.
Now that we got that out of the way... Here are some little tips for staying healthy!
  1. Take a jog with a friend (or by yourself! I don't judge.) once in a while! Even if it's just once every couple weeks, running is one of the best exercises you can do.
  2. Do crunches and pushups everyday before bed. If you just do 10 pushups, 10 crunches, and alternate about five times every single night, you'll eventually see that you can endure so many more as time goes on! I remember I started doing pushups everyday, I could only do about 15 in the beginning, but I got up to 40 in about two weeks!
  3. Run up and down the stairs about 20 times, a couple of times a week. 
  4. Listen to music and dance like there's no tomorrow! Dancing is a really good workout too. Do this once a week for about thirty minutes.
  5. Eat lots of vegetables! They have lots of nutrients that the body needs.
  6. Fruit instead of junk! Fruit isn't as good for you as vegetables due to the high amount of natural sugars, but it definitely is better than processed junk food. So whenever your craving sweets and whatnot, just eat some fruit!
  7. Treat yourself once a week. What I do is have dessert just once a week, usually on Saturdays.
  8. No soda, and go easy on milk and sweet teas. Soda is very carbonated and just overall bad for you. Milk is loaded with fat, too. Yes, it has calcium, but you can find much healthier ways to get calcium! (I'm not saying to completely cut out milk, just don't drink it as often.) Sweet tea is packed with sugar, too.
  9. Whilst "treating" yourself, pick dessert type things over candy.
  10. If you eat meat, (or if you're a vegetarian -- even better!) don't eat too much red meat. Red meat isn't good for you at all, and should only be eaten once a week. Chicken is much, much better for you than red meat, but still isn't that great if you eat it too much.
  11. Drink lots of water! Sugar free juices are also good for you as well.
  12. Multivitamins! It's good to take vitamins just so you make sure you get all the nutrients you might be unintentionally missing out on.
  13. Wash your hands a lot! You don't want to get sick!

...And that's all for the tips! Thanks for reading! If you have any tips that I didn't mention, please leave them in the comments below! Cya!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to School Scents!

Hello! Hayley again. I'm going to be writing about scents I recommend for back to school... wearage. LOL! I just invented a new word. Anyway! I want to make this a quick blog post so I'm just going put the scent, who it's by, and an image.

Secret Wonderland
by Bath and Body Works

by Paris Hilton

Inner Grace
by Philosophy

Falling in Love
by Philosophy

...And those are the best scents that I thought of for back to school! (: Thanks for reading.


First Day of School Schedule!

Hey guys! So as you saw on Monday, Hannah did a Day-Before-School Schedule type thing, so I decided to do a First Day of School Schedule! (Hannah if you want to do this one too you can!) Anyway, moving on to the actual post.

For the first day, I always shower the night before just so I have some extra time. Sometimes I shower in the morning, but not always! By the way... tell me when you shower, like - in the morning or the night before. I want to know! Because I'm not really sure what I should do... :P

6:00 A.M. - I like to get up pretty early on the first day just because I want to make sure I'm all ready. Normally I'd get up at about 6:30 A.M. I'd also stretch a little bit to wake myself up.

6:05 A.M. - Go to the bathroom. Hey, we all have to do it!

6:10 A.M. - Breakfast! I eat a big breakfast on the first day so I'm energized and ready to go!

6:25 A.M. - Turn on the the music! While I'm getting ready, I LOVE to listen to music. Especially heavy electronic indie - it gets me pumped up and for some odd reason, confident about myself. I know, it's really weird, but true!

6:30 A.M. - Get dressed and do my hair! Obviously I have to do this. I usually get my first-day-outfit all picked out the day before, and for my hair, I do nothing fancy - just quickly straighten it!

7:00 A.M. - Little things. By this I mean cleaning my ears, brushing my teeth, washing face taking my allergy medicine, deodorant, and obviously... Fragrance time!

7:15 A.M. - Get my school bag/backpack and supplies prepared. I will probably do some organizing the day before as well, but at this time I will be setting it up so when I'm leaving I'll have it all ready.

7:25 A.M. - Last minute! Spray some perfume, brush your hair one last time, etc.!

7:30 A.M. - Time to wait for the bus! The you're off to your first day of school school.

7:30 A.M. - 3:15 P.M.(ish) - On the bus and obviously in school!

...And that's all. Thanks for reading! (:


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August Favorites!

Hello! As you know August has come to an end. May be sad for some, but may be happy for others. It's sad for me, because August is one of my favorite months! Anywhoozle, I'm going to be sharing my makeup and beauty favorites with you. I kind of have a lot of stuff, so this might be a little lengthy.

Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment - This works amazingly. It tingles on your lips and quickly refreshes chapped lips! I like to put this on before bed so in the morning my lips feel nice and healed and soft.

Crest Complete Multi Benefit Toothpaste - This keeps my breath smelling really nice for a long time, yet isn't too strong and minty.

Neutrogena Acne Wash - I'll admit that this makes your face feel very weird in the shower, but once you get out and dry off it's very soft! And obviously, it helps with my acne!

Tresseme Luxurious Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner - I mainly bought this because Tresseme doesn't test on animals, but to my surprise it's my favorite shampoo and conditioner I've ever used! It helps my damaged hair a lot!

Clearasil Vanishing Acne Cream - This gets rid of acne so quickly! For little pimples and zits, if you put a little on it before you go to bed, it'll be almost completely gone in the morning. For bigger problem spots, it'll take a little bit longer, but it still works!

Up & Up Alcohol Free Skin Toner - This is a fairly cheap product, but works really well if you aren't looking for anything that professional and whatnot. If I'm running late in the morning and don't have time to wash my face, I just take a cotton ball, put some of this on it, and put it all over my face for a fast cleaning!

Perricone MD Cosmeceuticals Face Finishing Moisturizer - I have tried a lot of moisturizers, and all of them worked okay, but always left some redness on my face and felt a bit uncomfortable. But this one feels amazing and doesn't make my skin red! It also smells pretty nice. ^^

Smashbox Lip Gloss in Fame - I'm usually not a fan of bright pink lip glosses, but Fame by Smashbox is so pretty and not overwhelming like some!

Fresh's Tinted Lip Treatment with SPF 15 in Sugar Rose - I LOVE this product! It moisturizes my lips and leaves a tint of color!

Aussie Instant Freeze Sculpting Gel - I like to use this when I put my hair up, to make all of the missed pieces stay in place where they're supposed to. I know a lot of people normally would use hairspray to do this, but honestly I don't really like hairspray... haha!

Philosophy Inner Grace Body Wash - This smells SO good! It can also be used as a shampoo, but personally I only use it as a body wash.

Degree - Motion Sense Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant in Fresh Energy

Bath & Body Works Sensual Amber Fragrance Mist - This is by far my favorite product from Bath & Body Works. It's the longest lasting body mist (and one of the best smelling mists, too) that I've had!

Bath & Body Works Pocketbac in Sugar Lemon - If you didn't know, Pocketbacs are basically just mini hand sanitizers. And like any sanitizer, it sometimes has that chemically smell. But not this one! And that's what I love about it.

Chameleon Nail Polish in Calypso - This nail polish is by far my favorite one. It changes colors and doesn't streak and takes a while for it to start chipping. The best part - they're affordable too!

...And those were all of the products that I used a lot in the month of August! I hope you enjoyed reading.


How To: The Perfect Manicure

     I just painted my nails, so that's what inspired this post! Here are my tips for the perfect manicure:

1)  Use nailpolish remover and remove nailpolish. Even if you aren't wearing any nailpolish, it's good to do it anyways just in case!

2)  Cut your nails or trim them.

3)  File your nails.

4)  Wash your nails with soap and water.

5)  Use a base coat.

6)  Paint your nails a fun color!

7)  Use a top coat.

8) Let them dry, and wella! Your done!

Thanks for reading!
God Bless,


Hiya guys! If you haven't noticed, Hannah and I have been posting sporadically on different days. That's because now we're going to be posting on whatever days we feel like we should, instead of strictly one. Plus it's going to be easier and more flexible of a schedule for us when school starts.

Thanks for understanding!,

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Day Before Back to School!

     I don't know about you, but the day before the first day of school is always a hectic and crazy one for me. I put together a small list of things I like to do the on that day so I'm extra prepared (and distracted so I'm not getting even more worried!). Here is my list, feel free to use it!

September 6th, 2011:

7:00 AM:  Wake up! It's always a great idea to wake up early so your a bit used to it by the time school rolls around.

7:15 AM:  Go downstairs, watch TV, do whatever you need to do to wakeup before starting your day.

7:30 AM:  Breakfast time! ALWAYS eat breakfast even if it's something little. If I'm really not hungry, I'll have a glass of chocolate milk or something light so I have some food in me.

8:00 AM:  Go on the computer. I check my Twitter, ( @glittergal64 is my Twitter name) YouTube, personal website, ( ) this site, and some other random ones.

9:00 AM:  Get ready for the day. This includes showering, makeup, hair, and getting dressed.

11:00 AM:  Clean out dresser and go through those clothes. I look for things I don't wear, that don't fit, I don't like, and things I don't see are good options for school- and put them in a bag to be donated.

11:30 AM:  Clean out closet. Again, I look for things I don't wear, that don't fit, I don't like, and things I don't see are good options for school- and put them in a bag to be donated.

12:00 PM:  Complete cleaning of my room. I look for things that I don't or use and give them to my sisters. I throw things out (paper, tissues, etc.). I also make my bed, and do anything else I need to do to make my room school ready.

1:30 PM:  Lunchtime! I'll make a healthy lunch and enjoy it with my family.

2:00 PM:  I'll to Walgreens or another drugstore to get a few things I need. (An extra notebook, bobby pins, hair clips, a few hair products, makeup remover, and possibly a new makeup product.)

2:30 PM:  Take a walk/ jog with a friend or my mom.

3:00 PM:  Continue with exercise- crunches, push-ups, and some Wii Fit to get my body in tip-top shape for school.

3:45 PM:  A break and healthy snack.

4:15 PM:  TV and some family time.

5:30 PM:  Dinner.

6:15 PM:  Shower! I triple wash my hair for extra clean-ness and shine, double wash my face, and clean the rest of my body.

6:45 PM:  Shaving time!

7:00 PM:  Now it's time to do my hair. First, I brush my hair out with a wide toothed comb. Then, I put in a hair product to make my hair shiny and silky or I'll put in a leave in conditioner. After that, I put in a heat protectant and blow dry my hair. (For blow drying, I use a guide from Seventeen Magazine.)

7:30 PM:  This is kind of my make-sure-everything-is-perfect time. I get on my pajamas, and make sure everything I need for my outfit the next day is perfect, along with my school backpack. I also pick out the makeup I'm wearing.

8:00 PM:  I read my Bible, and my devotional book,

8:30 PM:  I read a random book. Maybe "Sweet Little Lies" by Lauren Conrad?

9:00 PM:  One last computer time before going to bed. You can expect a post from me at that time!

9:30 PM:  Get settled in bed. And drink a big glass of water.

9:40 PM:  Get ready for Rachel Zoe Project coming on at 10 o'clock!

10:00 PM:  Rachel Zoe Project, then bed!

     This is a pretty long day, but completely nessasary. These are NOT exact times or events, but are what I would like to do on that day. So thanks for reading!

God Bless,

Hannah's Back to School Favorites!

School is basically here! Oh my goodness, summer went by so fast! :( Anyways, I made a list of my favorite scents, nail polish colors, books, and everything a teenaged girl loves for back to school! Keep on reading to see my list!

Scents       Bath and Body Work's  Midnight Pomegranate   *The perfect end of summer/beginning of fall scent. The pomegranate makes it bright and summery, but it is a darker scent, perfect for beginning of fall too! A must for school.*

                  Juicy Couture's   Viva La Juicy   *You can cleary smell the sandalwood, caramel, vanilla, honeysuckle and jasmine. A girl's dream smell!*

                  Britney Spear's    Radiance     *This is a hard to describe smell, but what I can say about it is that it's perfect for a girlie-girl or if you want to gain a bit of confidence!*

Books       The Clique Series   My Little Phony     *If you love books that you can relate to, be totally into, and books that have a surprise twist, pick up this book at a library or bookstore.* (It is a series, so read previous books before this one.)    

                  LA Candy     Sweet Little Lies  *Love this book! One of my faves! It's a great balance between girly romance and a good, juicy story.*   (It is a series, so read previous books before this one.)    

                 Lauren Conrad     Style    *Ok, this is literally THE perfect back to school pleasure book! It gives tips on clothes, shopping and everything fashion!*

Nailpolish       OPI      Lourve Me Lourve Me Not   *I own this color, and I love it as I know many will! It's the perfect dark yet goregous color for school.*

                        Essie    Turquoise and Caicos     *The perfect blue-green mixture. I haven't heard ANY bad reviews on this polish!*

                        OPI      Gargantuan Green Grape    *A neon green, but classier. Haha!*

Hair Products     Garnier Fructis    Sleek and Shine   *A sleek and shine hair milk that eliminates frizz and makes your soft and silky.*

                            Tresemme      TRES Two Extra Hold Hair Spray   *AMAZING. It holds curls, and blocks out frizz all day, while having a nice smell.*

                            Tresemme      Fresh Start Volumizing Dry Shampoo   *Eliminates oils, and gives a natural 'bounce' to your hair. Great for all hair types too!*

Thanks for reading!
God Bless,

New Theme!

Hey guys! As you know September starts in a few months, so there's going to be a new theme! That theme is just plain old simple "fall"! So, I decided to change the background and banner as well. I hope you like it! Anyway... expect fall themed posts from us next month!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Study Tips

Hello! Hayl here. This is my second post here on HHW, and it's going to be about... studying! I know, ew, studying. But, it's part of school and can help you with testing and keep your grades up. Basically, it benefits you in the end! Anyway, let's get started.

  • Study even when you don't have a test. This might seem like a drag, and really, really stupid and boring, but like I've said before, it can benefit you in the end. What you can do is, get out your social studies book or math notebook and just read over the lesson you completed in class. After you finish your homework each night, study just one subject, and alternate each day.
  • Don't study too long. This sounds a little weird, I know. But when you study too long, it seems even more like a chore than it already is. Don't study for more than 30 minutes straight, then take a little break. 
  • Get comfortable. If your back is aching while you're studying, chances are that it's going to drag on. Instead, get a bunch of pillows and make a little "fort" type thing on the floor in your room. It's kind of fun to make, and not to mention, very comfortable!
  • Find a study buddy. Whether it be your best friend, or that cute guy in your English class (haha!)... get someone to study with! Even if you just kind of hang out for an hour or so, it'll make your study experience a lot easier.

That's all for today! I hope you enjoyed reading. Cya!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Best Back to School Movie?

Ok, so, if you know me in real life like Hayley does, you know I'm kind of in love with Taylor Lautner. :) Lol. And guess what? He's in a new movie! It's called "Abduction" and it's an action movie. I watched the trailor four times and I am dying to see the movie! Here is the trailor, YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!

It's the perfect back to school movie for anyone who loves action and romance, perfect to go see with a group of friends! Plus, Taylor Lautner is in it, so that makes it 578,344,224,194,789,235,345 times better! ♥

Thanks for reading, and I demand you to watch the trailor:)
God Bless,

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Re: Tag #1 "All About Me!"

1. Do you have a middle name?
Yes, It's Lee.
2. What is your Favorite subject in school?
3. Whats your Favorite drink?
I really like flavored water, (Sobe and Vitamin Water) Apple juice, and lemonade.
4. What is your Favorite song at the moment?
"Follow Me There" by Third Day and "You are My All in All"
5. What would you name your kids?
Here are the names I would like, (I wouldn't have these many kids!) Joshua, Jacob, Jessica, Jillian. (I think I might want  to name my kids with all "J" names when I have kids...) I also like the name Natalie, and Skyler.
6. Do you participate in any sports?
7. Favorite Book?
The Bible. I also like "Girls Rock- Devotions for Girls", Eclipse, Breaking Dawn.
8. Favorite Color?
Pink! I like blue too.
9. Favorite Animal?
Dolphin, I like koalas too though.
10. Favorite Perfume?
Juicy Couture "Viva La Juicy" and DKNY "Be Delicious".
11. Favorite Holiday?
Christmas, and Easter! Easter is my favorite! :)
12. Have you graduated high school?
No, not yet.
13. Have you ever been out of the country? if so how many times?
Nope. No times.
14. Do you speak any other language?
No, but I know a few words in other languages, and I'm taking Spanish this year in school.
15. How many siblings do you have?
2 sisters.
16. What is your favorite store?
I like Juicy Couture, Hollister, American Eagle, Forever 21, Target, and Walmart.
17. Favorite restaurant?
Friendly's and a local one in town.
18. Do you like school?
YES! Love it!
19. Favorite youtuber?
Kandee Johnson! Macbarbie07, Juicystar07, and Allthatglitters21, but Kandee Johnson is my favorite.
20. Favorite movie?
Facing the Giants.
21. Favorite TV show?
Keeping up With the Kardashians, Audrina and The Hills.
22. PC or Mac?
I love Macs, but I dont have one:( I think the question is asking which one I have.. so PC.
23. What kind of phone do you have?
Samsung Intensity.
24. How tall are you?
Idk... maybee 5'3 ? I really don't know.. Lol.

Thanks for reading! ♥
God Bless,

Random Saturday Tag #1: "All About Me!"

Hey! I know me and Hannah were planning on doing an optional random post on Saturdays, but I got the idea of doing a random tag every Saturday! So... Hannah, tell me what you think of this idea. So anyway the first tag I'm doing to start off is the All About Me tag.

1. Do you have a middle name?
Yup. It's Anne! I don't like it...
2. What is your Favorite subject in school?
Uh... Language Arts I guess.
3. Whats your Favorite drink?
Sweetened Iced Tea. I'm obsessed with it.
4. What is your Favorite song at the moment?
"Something Good Can Work" by Two Door Cinema Club
5. What would you name your kids?
My favorite boy names are Mitchell and Ryan, and my favorite girl names are Shay and Brooklyn.
6. Do you participate in any sports?
Not really. I used to.
7. Favorite Book?
"The Face on the Milk Carton" by Caroline Cooney
8. Favorite Color?
Yellow and grey.
9. Favorite Animal?
I love all animals equally! But chinchillas and lynx are super duper cute.
10. Favorite Perfume?
Falling in Love by Philosophy. It smells so good.
11. Favorite Holiday?
Christmas, of course!
12. Have you graduated high school?
Nope, not yet.
13. Have you ever been out of the country? if so how many times?
Yes, I’ve been to Canada like 20 times, haha!
14. Do you speak any other language?
A little bit of German.
15. How many siblings do you have?
Two sisters!
16. What is your favorite store?
Bath & Body Works, duh.
17. Favorite restaurant?
It’s a local one so I won’t say the name. But they have amazing muffins.
18. Do you like school?
It’s okay.
19. Favorite youtuber?
Makeupfreakazoid and PinkSoFoxy! They're amazing. Go check them out.
20. Favorite movie?
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. It's so sad.
21. Favorite TV show?
22. PC or Mac?
Both are okay, but I have a PC.
23. What kind of phone do you have?
I’m getting a new one soon, so I’ll get back to you on that…
24. How tall are you?
Five foot, zero inches. I’m still growing, okay?!

And that's all! Hannah, if you want to do this tag, you can or if you want to do another one that's fine too! :)


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Homework Playlist!

Hello! Hayley here. You may be a little confused by the title. Homework Playlist? Well let me explain! If you're like me, and like to listen to music while doing your homework, then this post is perfect for you! I don't know about you, but listening to music while studying and whatnot puts me at ease, and makes it less of a drag. That's why I'm writing this! I found various songs that I think would be great for a Homework Playlist. (And no, Hannah, they're not all Strokes songs... :P) I tried to make this playlist diverse, meaning I think that most average young people should be able to enjoy the music! I also tried to put some music you may have never heard of, along with some songs that are popular. Anyway, here they are! With the title of the song, I will also be putting the YouTube video in case you want to listen to it.

1. Two Door Cinema Club - "Something Good Can Work"

2. Phoenix - "Lisztomania"

3. The Blue Van - "There Goes My Love"

4. Foster the People - "Life on the Nickel (Hustling)"

5. Matt & Kim - "Daylight"

6. System of a Down - "B.Y.O.B." 

7. The Strokes - "Red Light"

8. Arctic Monkeys - "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor"

9. Hockey - "Too Fake"

10. Two Door Cinema Club - "You're Not Stubborn"

And that's it! Those are my top songs that I like to listen to while doing my homework. Now, honestly, there is a lot more I would have liked to put there, but I know a lot of people don't like the same music I listen to (Slipknot, Metallica, Linkin Park... metal bands. :P) So... yup! I hope you enjoyed the songs! Cya!


School Emergency/Survival Kit!

Hello! Today I'm going to be blogging about a School Emergency/Survival Kit, and what to keep in it. Some of the things listed here I already said in my Locker Essentials post. It's also a tiny bit like Hannah's school purse post, but more emergency like. Haha. Enjoy! :P

First of all, make sure you find a good bag to put all the items in. It shouldn't be too big, but not too small, either. About the size of the standard makeup bag. It doesn't really matter what material it is, but I like to use a type of material (I'm not sure the name of it...) that's kind of, washable. Just in case something leaks! Anyway.

Cough drops. This may seem a little weird, but believe me, you're going to have that one day where you get that cough and you wish you had these! So just put a couple in there.

Q-Tips. Sometimes I forget to clean my ears in the morning. I'm sure everyone does a least once a year. And if you're like me, and hate the feeling of unclean ears, then you'll definitely want to keep these.

Hand Lotion. I'm not talking about the scented kind to keep you smelling fresh, I'm talking about the medicated ones. You can find them in little tiny sizes in hotels and in some stores. I don't know about you, but in winter I get really dry hands. So that's what this is for!

Hand Sanitizer. You know what this is for! Put it on in between classes and whatnot. I recommend getting a couple of Pocketbacs from Bath and Body Works. They're a great size, smell great, affordable, and best yet - they clean your hands! :P

Pads/Tampons/Pantyliners. I know I said this in my other blog post, but just stick a couple of these in there - even if you don't have your period yet!

Deodorant. I'm pretty sure this is self explanatory. It may seem a little awkward putting it on in front of everyone, but hey - I'd risk the awkwardness more than I'd risk smelling like dirty armpits.

Perfume. Again, I said this in an earlier post, but just stick a little sample size of one in your emergency kit, even if you have one sitting wide open in your locker. Maybe the one you were planning on using broke? Got stolen? Yeah... so put one in your kit!

Bandaids. Maybe the nurse at your school has these, but who really wants to go all the way there just for a bandaid? Not me.

Hairbrush. You might not be able to fit this in your actual bag of emergency things, but I can assure you you're going to need one at some point!

Mints/Gum. Who likes bad smelling breath? I recommend bringing a really strong minty gum, but it for some reason your school doesn't allow you to have gum (I know my elementary school didn't), bring mints! And, quick tip: don't let other people take your gum! It may be hard to say no to your best friend, but you really don't want it to go to waste.

Tissues. Most classrooms are stocked with these, but you'll still want to bring them. Get one of those travel packets of them or whatever. I'm pretty sure you can find them at any supermarket.

Your contacts/glasses case. If you don't wear contacts or glasses, obviously this doesn't apply to you. But for those people who do... y'know you'll bring this!

Chapstick. Some people (including me...) bring chapstick with them wherever they go, but sometimes it falls out of my pocket or a lose it, so I keep an extra one in my locker. Even if you're not like me and don't bring one wherever you go, still keep on in your kit.

Change/money. Hannah covered this too, but just stuff a five dollar bill in there in case of emergencies!

A pen and pencil. Hey, you never know... :P

And that's all! I hope you enjoyed reading. If you know of anything else that should be put in a school survival kit, please tell me. Thanks! (:


Monday, August 15, 2011

Easy School Hairstyles

Hey everyone! So I know for school, I don't like doing a whole lot to my hair. I've found some easy hairstyles for school that anyone can do! Here they are:

The Inverted Braid:

2 Day Curls
Braid Top Knot

Volume With a Flat Iron

Taylor Swift Hair

5 Strand Braid
Pretty Ponytail
Quick Voluminous Hair

Fashionable Updo

Holiday Updo (I know, its early for that, but it's so pretty!)

Thanks for watching! Hope you enjoyed! Tell me your favorites in a comment!
God Bless,

What's In My Back to School Purse?

     Hey everyone! So I know on YouTube 'What's in My Back to School Purse' videos are really popular, and I love watching them to get some ideas. Here are the things I feel every girl should carry in their bag:

Extra Supplies.  ALWAYS carry extra supplies (pens, pencils, post-it notes, etc.) in case you run out, and you can easily grab them.

Change-purse w/ money.  It's always a good idea to have some money on you for lunch served at school, or in case a friend needs to borrow some money.

Femine Products.   I know some of you are going to cringe, but hear me out! Even if you don't have your period, it's always a fantastic idea to carry some products around. If your uncomfortable carrying some around because your afraid someone might see them put them in a cute container. Here are some cute pad holders  I found at Glitzy Glam, and here are some tampon holders I also found. They come in cute designs and no one else will know what they are!

Snack.   In high school and middle school, obviously you don't get a snack. So, carry around a granola bar or another snack to keep you full and energized!

Planner.   Keep a planner to write down homework asignments!

Hair supplies.   ALWAYS carry hair ties, bobby pins, clips, and a mini brush with you! If there's a test or something you need to focus on, make your hair one less thing to worry about by getting it out out of the way! So, hair supplies are a MUST!

Thanks for reading!
God Bless,

Back to School Playlist!

Hey everybody! So Hayl is doing something similiar to this post, and I got the idea to do this- a back to school playlist! (It's a bit different, she's doing one on a bit different topic.) 

So I've put together some of the songs every girl should have on their iPod, involving a few different styles of music. Here they are:

1.)     "Who Says" -Selena Gomez    An impowering song with an inspiring message that were all beautiful in our own ways.      To listen to it, click here
2.)     "Last Friday Night"  -Katy Perry    A fun song everyone probally loves! (Perf. for sleepovers!)
                             To listen to it, click here
3.)     "You Belong With Me"   -Taylor Swift   One of my ultimate favorites!
                             To listen to it, click here
4.)     "Mine" -Taylor Swift    ALWAYS makes me smile:) 
                             To listen to it, click here
5.)     "Follow Me There" -Third Day    The best song in the entire world!
                             To listen to it, click here
6.)     "Lose Yourself"  -Eminem    I really like this song:)
                             To listen to it, click here
7.)     "Not Afraid"  -Eminem   ♥ Like this song:)
                             To listen to it, click here
8.)     "Unwritten"  -Natasha Bedingfield   Hayl knows I ♥ this song. ;)
                             To listen to it, click here
9.)     "Uncharted"  -Sara Bareilles   This is a song I feel like every girl will love.
                             To listen to it, click here
10.)   "Mockingbird"  -Eminem    You eiether love or hate this song.
                             To listen to it, click here

Thanks for reading! Please listen to a few songs? Tell me your faves in a comment!

God Bless,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back to School Locker Organization/Essentials

Hiya everyone! I'm Hayley (you can also call me Hayl) and this is my first post. My first post is going to be about locker organization. I'm going to give you tips and ideas for your locker and to hopefully make this school year more organized!

What to Keep in Your Locker

  • Some lotion/perfume/fragrance. You're going to want to freshen up throughout the day, especially after gym class, so if you keep just a little tiny bottle of body mist or perfume, spritz it on in between classes! Having lotion is a great idea too, especially in winter when your skin is most likely to get more dry.
  • Feminine products. Sorry if this topic makes you uncomfortable, but I'm just going to be upfront about it. If you have had your period, you're definitely going to want to keep a little bag and put pantyliners, pads, tampons - whatever you use - in your locker. Don't worry, if you keep it in a little makeup bag, no one will know. That brings me to my next topic...
  • Makeup bag. If you wear makeup, chances are you're going to want to bring one of these. Don't bring too much makeup though. What I suggest bringing is only one mascara, eyeliner, lipstick/gloss, and concealer/powder for touchups throughout the day. 
  • Mirror. Whether it be for doing makeup or just making sure you have nothing in your teeth, keep a mirror in your locker! You can find a magnetic one basically anywhere that sells school supplies.
  • Extra supplies. You're going to eventually need a new pencil or pen, so keep a couple of extra things in your locker just in case.
  • Hand sanitizer. With cold season coming up, you're going to want to keep your hands nice and clean so you don't spread germs and get sick!

Tips for Organization

  • Don't keep too much stuff in your locker! You want it to be organized. Just keep the essentials. A messy locker means poor organization, and it might mean it'll take longer for you to get to classes! If  you find that you have things you don't use in your locker, take those items out.
  • Shelves. If you can find locker shelves, those are great for organizing things. If you can't find them, don't worry. They're not that mandatory.
  • Don't keep stuff you need in your backpack. In the end, it just wastes the short amount of time you have between classes. You have a locker for a reason!

That's all I have for you today! If you have any more ideas that maybe I didn't list here, please tell me in the comments. Thanks for reading!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Schedule Update

So our schedule now is this...

Monday - Hannah will be posting 1-3 blog posts this day.
Wednesday - I, Hayley, will be posting 1-3 blog posts this day.
Friday - I will be updating my page.
Saturday (Hannah - Tell me if you agree with this idea!) - An optional random (can be off topic!) post by Hannah and I.

So... yup! Although the site might be called "HHweekly" we update more than once a week! (:


My Posting Schedule

So Hayl did a post on her posting schedule (see previous post). And here's mine!

Mondays.   I'll be doing 2-3 posts on this day. Maybe one if I'm busy.

Saturday.    Saturday I might do one... but I was thinking Hayl and I might both do a post on this day. Hayl if your reading this, whatya think?

Thanks guys!
God Bless,

Hayley's Posting Schedule

I decided that I'm going to be (well, trying to) sticking to a schedule. Here it is...

Wednesdays - This day is when I'm going to post an actual FORMAL POST. That means that it will relate to the topic. For example, a back to school post. I may do more than one!

Fridays - I will post something new on my page of the site.

So there it is. Thanks for reading!


Best Back to School Stores

     Hey everyone! So school is approaching us fast, and many are starting to do back to school shopping. Here are some budget friendly stores to help you make shopping for school a whole lot easier:

Hollister Co.  This store is liked and hated. I like it because the clothes are well made. The shirts don't get faded easily, the jeans are amazing, and sometimes you can catch things on sale. (They're having a sale, 50% of jeans for a limited time.) People don't like the fact that it's dark inside stores, and it is more pricey than some stores, but the clothes are worth the money in my opinion. But, its your opinion that really matters.

Aeropostale   Aeropostale- or Aero- is super affordable. There is at least a few sales everytime you go to an Aero store. Ordering online is easy and purchases ship very soon after ordered.

JC Penney    JC Penney can be found at almost every mall. Some things are a bit expensive, but others are relitively cheap. They carry clothes as well as shoes, which is a huge bonus.

Kohls   I really like Kohls because of all the different items they carry. Jewelry, shoes, clothes, for the home, everything you would need! It's also super affordable and there are many stores nationwide.

Plato's Closet   Plato's Closet is one of my ultime favorite stores. If you don't know what it is, basically it's a store for gently used name brand items, like Hollister, Aeropostale, Victoria Secret, Bebe, Abercrombie, Steve Madden, Lucky, the list goes on and on! So you have two options. 1) You can go in and shop. 2) You can bring in clothes and trade them for money*,  (* They don't except everything, some restrictions apply,)  and when they are checking the clothes, you can shop around! It's a great way to get rid of unwanted items to make room for new things!

Hope you enjoyed! Got a favorite store? Let me know in a comment!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Welcome to HHW!

Welcome to our site!

This website is shared by two people, named Hannah and Hayley.  Each month of the year has a new topic. August/September is combined for a back to school edition. At the end of the month, we will have sneak peaks of what's next.

Each member of the site will do a post once a week. Hannah will be in charge of fashion, makeup, and beauty aspects of the topic. Hayley will be doing the more miscellaneous posts of the edition.

So where'd we come up with the name HHweekly (or HHW for short)? Well, the two member's intials are H, and posts are updated weekly by each member.

Anyways, you can look forward to many back-to-school posts soon. Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to follow our site, by hitting the 'follow' button to your right so we know if anyone is reading our posts! (We want at least a few people to be reading our posts!) Bye!

Hannah and Hayley
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